In the intricate dance of healing, I've navigated the realms of parts therapy, psychology, language, education and the many profound philosophies, shaping our human development. This journey unveils a disconcerting disconnect in our collective humanity, rooted in the echoes of generational trauma that is embedded in our beliefs and values. At its core, this dissonance is palpable and tangibly noted in our language—the very essence we use to express the subtleties of our emotions.
Why is this something to take note of?
Well quite simply, we are quite literally making ourselves sick.
The emotional regulation required to heal from generational trauma, impacts our physicality, and our energy, presenting in various symptoms of sickness and disease.
1. Unraveling Generational Threads:
- "I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become." - Carl Jung
Generational trauma, the silent conductor orchestrating our beliefs, plays a pivotal role. It's a narrative etched in the marrow of our bones, shaping the lens through which we perceive ourselves and the world. The weight of ancestral stories becomes the compass guiding our journey, sometimes into uncharted and challenging territories.
Ask yourself, where do your strongest beliefs actually come from?
Are they really yours who shaped that belief in the first place?
Now look at the physical reality, how does it show up in your life? Are you actually embodied in the belief or is it something that is limiting and holding you back?
One of mine is the notion that love has to be equal given and take. Otherwise it's not love now.
How is this bad?
This type of belief can cause problems when we are emotionally deregulated, because in this moment, the unregulated person actually requires more from their partner than the fair equal give-and-take.
The dilemma being in the language of equal!
What does equal actually look like?
Have you actually ever witnessed an equally giving relationship where one person doesn't do more of either the household chores or the pressure of working full time, it is not equal- it is an arrangement.
And as with any arrangement, there needs to be continual reassessment of the terms of agreement.
2. The Language Dilemma:
- "The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." - Ludwig Wittgenstein
Language, our medium for expression, often falls short. The words we choose—or hesitate to choose—craft the contours of our reality. Wittgenstein's wisdom illuminates the powerful interplay between language and perception, urging us to transcend the limitations of words and embrace the nuanced palette of our emotions.
So in the real world, what does this actually mean?
It means that we need to start to really identify the body language, the actions and the emotions that are truly being shown behind the words.
The word itself can have many meanings, and all you need to do is go to the Dictionary to determine whether or not, it is valid, but the emotion and the connection to what is trying to be expressed is the value and understanding that we need to recognise and communicate .
In all of my learning and understanding the thing that every person wants is to be accepted and recognised for who they are authentically.
But are we actually being authentic?
Is what we are saying really what we are intending to say, this is the real disconnect in humanity today!
3. Rediscovering Authenticity through Parts Therapy:
- "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." - Carl Jung
Parts therapy becomes a sacred excavation, inviting us to dig deep into the layers of our unconscious. Jung's insight echoes in the therapeutic space where fragmented aspects of the self are brought into conscious awareness. As we integrate these fragments, a harmonious symphony of authenticity begins to emerge.
Who am I and who do I really want to be?
When we look at our labels, the parts of ourselves that we have become, that we have experienced.
Each and every part of our existence comes down to a single word or term.
I am ....
I am a teacher.
I am a mother.
I am a wife.
I am a daughter and on and on and on.
It is in these terms that we label and shape our experience, but it is also these terms that limit where we can go, and we can become.
When you dive into the parts of yourself, you will uncover many that no longer serve.
The labels, the stereotypes, the experiences of the of the past that no longer matter, are just a fragment of the true self we hide.
It is through discovering these parts of ourselves that we determine which ones we love, and which ones we choose to reject.
4. The Singularity of the Soul:
- "Existence precedes essence." - Jean-Paul Sartre
Essence, the core of our being, isn't predefined; it's an ever-unfolding journey. Sartre's existential wisdom resonates as we explore the notion of the singular soul. This invites a profound shift—from a predetermined essence to a fluid, self-directed existence, empowering us to shape our narrative consciously.
Consciousness, spirituality, this sense of self, all terms that have been used to endear these qualities. The narrative that gives existence, quality quantity and clarity.
The stories that shaped our past, direct our present and shape our future, are but the singular, collective and socially generated generational beliefs that we hold about ourselves.
They are the parts that make up the self, not to be rejected, judged or restrained; they are what we classify as the all being.
The parts that must exist as an experience in consciousness.
5. Mateship with the Soul:
- "Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards." - Søren Kierkegaard
The journey toward mateship with the soul is a dance with time. Kierkegaard's words remind us that understanding unfolds in retrospect, but life demands a forward stride. Embracing our singular essence involves living authentically in each moment—a continuous dialogue with our evolving selves.
Be in the now.
It is all that exists, the rest is a drafted form of what could be.
A narrative, a story to process and expand on.
As we traverse the landscapes of healing, language, and self-discovery, the call to reclaim authenticity becomes a soulful odyssey. The alchemy of transformation resides in the deep embrace of our individual narratives, weaving them into the universal tapestry of human experience. Stop living the life of others, your soul is here to experience life, choose the way, from the narratives, pick a role or character to expand how your soul gets to be.
We are the parts, the make up the path that leads us back to the part of ourself that was at the beginning the whole time.
May this journey be a testament to the magic that unfolds when we dance with our true selves.