We often hear the saying, you can't pour from an empty cup!
That if you are not filled emotionally or your love needs are not being taken care of, you cannot give love in return, right?
You see emotions are energy.
Energy does not dissipate it only changes its magnetism.
What I am saying, is that your cup is always full.
You are a living, breathing, container of energetic vibrations.
This energy does not disappear from you field until we part ways.
So in layman's terms- energy is always present while you are alive.
Your cup is full!
So now your possibly thinking, but I feel empty!
Like I have nothing else to give.
The problem here is not that there is no energy.
It is that the magnetic connection, like a magnet 🧲 has been flipped.
So rather than drawing in the vibrations that you want, your direction has been reversed.
What causes this? You may want to know.
Love, makes us and guides us towards that in which we desire. When we see value in our energetic exchange we are amplified.
However, when we are in any other state outside of love (mainly uncertainty) our bodies have to catalogue the experiences into good and bad.
It has to make a choice as to how it will direct this energy.
Now, maybe it is generally experiencing life in a systematic approach. Meaning routine.
Where there is no like or dislike, it just is!
This energy has no direction, it is not amplifying.
It is not transmuting.
It is just stagnant- sitting and waiting.
All this undirected energy.
Trapped in the cells where it was borne.
Trapped energy = dis-ease, basically pain.
The stored energy that should be free flowing and directional, attaches it self to the cells in the body. waiting to be released.
Waiting for you to decide where it should go.
going to stay trapped and build further growth?
Can you identify the energy and direct it to where you want it.
Positive in negative out, just like a battery.
Which is why it is vital that we take time to classify this energy in motion- the emotion.
So as to release or transmute.
Transmute, you say?
Taking a negative experience, and understanding what the dislike actually is within the energy.
If it is a lesson, setting a boundary that you can up hold within yourself.
This stops the reoccurrence of negative experiences by trusting thy self and the knowing of energy transference.
This means choice, the power of free will to change your perception of experience.
Transmuting is the process of making choices to determine the higher possibility of positive occurrence.
Choosing the energy that you wish to attract.
Changing the consistency in your cup!
It is not empty just not mixed right,
Journal prompts in the re-earthing guide, helps to restore understanding of self to transmute more positive potential.
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