I see YOU!
YOU cannot hide from me.
Your day and the way YOUR time is used, are all dictated by YOU.
YOU, choose the events and the way they unfold.
YOU, decide how YOU participate.
YOU, choose to avoid the things you actually want:
Because YOU are afraid!
Afraid of judgement.
Of being ridiculed.
Of Yourself.
Afraid of what MAY happen.
What MAY change
What you MAY lose
A possibility/ A belief.
A small little figment of humanity.
A belief is a powerful thing,
It has the power to activate or decimate.
A consciousness that shapes our reality.
Yes, Conscious.
You know it.
You talk to it.
It keeps you safe!
SAFE => A whole other topic
A singular perception of what you think you know.
A one-sided energy, that only has your best interests at heart.
You call it EGO.
YOU say that it has no power.
It is just a thought.
It is better known as Shadow.
It is the murky uncertainty of our mind.
The unspoken desires.
The feared and hidden.
Shadow works with safety.
Also known as security, comfort, or stagnancy.
Stuck in a way of being that is predictable.
Future, knowledge, now!
Wanting to know the end, before the beginning.
To experience the experience before the experience.
STUCK in a perpetual cycle of never really experiencing the things you truly desire.
What your soul knows.
Your purpose!
The things that light YOU up.
This Belief
The be => a state of existence and Leif => an emotion, connected to like.
This being in LIEF (emotional feeling of like/ love) that Shadow tells us.
We must know the outcome before we move.
We must like it or have a liked association.
We must be certain before we trust.
We must know the outcome before the experience.
It is conscious, it is as aware as you are.
It is our conscience (another term).
The moral and ethical principles (ideas) WE live by.
Connected to the socialisation of each external being we choose to connect with.
Unintentional at times, but still the domino effects of choice.
Consciousness is not here to scare us, nor should we be afraid of it.
Shadow is NOT our enemy.
Shadow is a gift given to our avatar.
Our physical body.
To balance the unknown, to give VALUE to these earthly experiences we seek.
Shadow is not just the light to the dark.
The bad to the good.
It is a blend.
A mix of tonal vibration.
It can only glimpse at the rays of light that immanent from the VALUES we align with.
Our Values, what we think we want.
WE; Our DNA and genetics
Our generational biology our collective understandings
Our traumas and experiences
Our attitudes and cultures
Our mindset.
The combined conscious and unconscious states
As real as the unconscious, Higher version of self.
The merging of light and dark to create balance.
Balance: the shifting of feeling or action taken to create a harmonious state
Harmonious- Not equal or divided: Combined state of pleasing peace.
The what if question?
OUR higher self, the divine being, here to experience all that can be.
The version opposite our shadow leeching these threads of possibility creating an unknown doubt that leave us in fear.
OUR higher self KNOWS.
It does not grasp at beliefs.
Knows the divine purpose you agreed to.
Knows the purpose behind the growth; formed through your earthly lessons.
Knows the capabilities of your energetic composition.
Knows the vibration and passion that comes from joy.
Knows light.
Knows the power of WHAT IF and WHY NOT?
Knows that YES, it is ok to move, to take action.
Knows that we are SAFE.
It knows because feeds our emotional sensors.
Speaks the uncomplicated language of intuition that signals emotions to indicate a very simple YES => NO physical response.
It knows our capabilities and potential.
It shines onto our shadow.
Giving value to the knowing
You do not have to choose a side.
Light, Dark.
We are all the same.
The good, bad, light, dark, masculine, and feminine, human, spiritual.
Infinite yet limited.
An equal combination of light, dark and GREY
A merging of selves
No one can be all light or dark, or more of one or the other, without it mixing.
The mix is where YOU find YOU.
Being Awæcnianed is understanding OUR -SELVES
By understanding and gaining AWARENESS of self
By connecting with and ACKNOWLEGING Shadow
We begin ACCEPTING each self as it presently is.
We can take ACTION to rectify and renew the vibrational gifts.
And be ACCOUNTABLE for bring the threads of the life we choose to live!
AWÆCNIAN and shine
This post, is a reflection of self.
An Awæcnian journal model the 5 A's.
Renewal of Selves
Restoration of self