An exciting idea pops into your head, yes! I can do this...
And then the dreaded but "WHAT IF?" comes, it always does; right?
The doubt and insecurities, your parent's voice in the back of your mind, the reminders of past attempts and failures.
Why even try... someone else will do it better anyway.
This anxiety is crippling, these beliefs we tell ourselves.
The illusions that stop us achieving our desires.
Our EGO!
This is an interesting concept the ego, as most of us don't even know how much this voice inside ourselves, is actually smothering the life out of our dreams.
Controlling us by our fears, trying to keep us from revealing in the greatest possibilities of just saying "YES".
Do you want to say YES? Yes, to possibility?
Yes, to the best version of you?
Yes, to NO more inner-critic?
No more stuck in routine and rotation of cycle after cycle of the same Bull Poopie!
I know I was lost,
stuck in a routine that left me feeling hopeless, ashamed and lacking.
Watching as the things I felt I loved and wanted, began to show cracks and flaws.
The goals and dreams I once thought mine, became a systematic prison.
Goals and ideals society expected- life expected; ideals that were not even mine to begin with.
So why?
When why is just a choice, right?
And with one breath I made that choice, to fill my cup.
To reach for the brightest star and challenge every concept and fibre in my being, and say no more. I control my choices, my happiness, my life.
I stand tall in my truth, life is possibility and it all starts with a little imagination.
A dream, present in reality.
A dream called an Awæcnian (awakening), awareness of ones truest desires.
The End!
I wish, It should be that simple right? I know, so therefore change... but awareness then leads to acceptance.
Why do I make these choices? Follow the same patterns, more shame and loneliness
I was awake but still so alone.
Like you I still had faith that my journey and pain was not for nothing and with this faith I followed my intuition, I dove deep into the power of my beliefs.
I challenged everything that I thought I knew, I healed years of trauma and conditioning.
Reading and watching everything I could to form the connections I so desired.
But, I was still alone!
Until, I reached out and connected with others, sort -help from those that had done the work themselves and all though I knew their teachings; the impact of connecting with people that understood me created a home...
The human body needs to feel like it is a part of something bigger than ourselves, it needs purpose.
Mine is sharing my wisdom and gifts.
What do you want yours to be?
Join our tribe; we bring together the connectors, so you can embody the world of your dreams.
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