A good friend stated in conversation one day that our thoughts are directed by the channel.
So, in other words; the channel is our perception of past, present or future versions of our individual reality.

Versions that run simultaneously in our minds.
Have you ever stopped to wonder if the signals get crossed?
I often wonder if I'm getting it wrong.
Life, I mean!
Well the reality is that there is only one channel.
The present.
The past and future versions only exist as thoughts (remenants of emotional connections) crossing our present channel.
So let's unpack this!
Say, In the present moment, you encounter a person who resembles someone who hurt or pained you in the past.
It is not the same person, time or place.
But nevertheless, the remaining emotional receptors of past thoughts stimulates based on your memory of that past person, a connective trigger that signals an instant dislike.

The is no warrant for the dislike, only a crossed wire in your perceptive field.
So because of this energetic REACTION to thought, your future energy is disharmonious with the present and therefore goes into creating an irrational fear.
These fears replicate into the negative secondary emotions of judgement, worthiness, and avoidant behaviours.
This example can be applied to every scenario based on this domino affect that effects your choices and behaviours.
Or in other words your beliefs, attitudes and life guiding values.
The best news yet, is that we have conscious awareness.
This means that once your mind is aware of the habits, thoughts and patterns that cycle into our lives continuously. We can CHOOSE to step into our gifted power of free will and choice and change.
Birth a new version of your illuminated self.
A present presence in the state of now.
Possibility; a word that has no opposing view because if impossibility existed, possiblity would not, therefore because you exist with conscious thought possibility is the future.
Creation; a single thought, WHY NOT!
It is a big old YES for me.
What about you?
What is your biggest possible dream?